根据相关文件和吉林省有线电视发展的实际情况 ,2 0 0 5年 3月 1日起 ,吉林省调整省有线电视基本收视维护费标准。标准最高为每个居民用户每月 16 0 0元。具体标准由当地价格主管部门在不低于每个居民用户每月 14 0 0元 ,不超过16 0 0元的幅度内确定。全省的平均价格构成是
According to the relevant documents and the actual situation of the development of Jilin Province Cable TV, March 1, 2005 Jilin Province, Jilin Province, the basic adjustment of cable TV ratings maintenance standards. The highest standard is 160 yuan per month for each resident user. The specific standards shall be determined by the local price department at a rate not lower than 1,400 yuan per month per household and not exceeding 1,600 yuan per household. The province’s average price structure is