为了进一步做好《嘉峪关市优生促进工程实施方案》的贯彻实施,确保国家免费孕前优生健康检查项目规范有序推进,嘉峪关市在市计划生育服务中心在作为全市免费孕前优生健康检查服务点的基础上,与市妇幼保健院联合开展免费婚检、免费孕前优生健康检查“一站式”服务,将出生缺陷一级预防的两个重要关口阶段,即婚前检查和孕前保健进行了有机的整合。2012年1月至2013年12月按照项目要求对本市区内3 320例计划半年内怀孕的夫妇
In order to further carry out “Jiayuguan City Eugenics promotion project implementation plan” to ensure that the national free pre-pregnancy health check items prenatal health promotion in an orderly manner, Jiayuguan City, family planning service center in the city as a free pre-pregnancy eugenics health check service point basis , And the city MCH together to carry out free pre-marital examination, pre-pregnancy eugenics health check “one-stop ” service, the birth defects of a primary prevention stage two important points, namely, pre-marital examination and pre-pregnancy health were organic integration . From January 2012 to December 2013 3 320 couples in the municipality planning to be pregnant within half a year as required by the project