
来源 :现代青年(细节版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:excalibur
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践行环保,尽量去做,尽量去说/绿色环保的概念现在已经充斥在各个领域中了。去年我担任一个活动的评委,就是从全国各行各业对环保做出贡献的人中评选出奖项,我就记得当时特别难选。这当中有个人的、集体的,有付诸实际行动的,有运用科技实现环保节能的……涉及领域很广,可见因为环境越来越剧烈的破坏,我们对环保的要求也越来越高。我们每个人也应该有环保这个理念。现在许多人还没有意识到保护环境的严重性,比如在海口,我觉得我的嗓子很舒服,但在北京就恰恰相反。连空气都受影响了,那么人 Practice environmental protection, try to do, try to say / green concept has now been flooded in all fields. Last year, when I was a judge of activities, I was selected from all walks of life in the country who made contributions to environmental protection and I remembered being particularly unlucky at the time. Among these are individuals, collectives, and practical actions to achieve environmental protection and energy saving through science and technology. The areas covered by the project are very wide. We can see that the demand for environmental protection is getting higher and higher because of the deteriorating environment. . Each of us should also have the concept of environmental protection. Now many people are not aware of the seriousness of protecting the environment. For example, in Haikou, I feel my voice is very comfortable, but the opposite is true in Beijing. Even the air is affected, so people
本文叙述了在雷达链工作条件下,非相参脉冲应答机采用对数接收方式时,接收信号电平对应答机距离零值的影响。提出了减小这种距离零值误差的办法,并给出了实验结果。 This pa
自美国政府 1993年提出建设国家信息基础设施(NII)———信息高速公路以来 ,从事电信网络和有线电视网络业务的公司 ,分别从不同的角度提出了各自宽带接入网技术方案 ,就如何解
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