这款披上运动型多功能车外衣的“运动健将”在整体驾驶性能方面表现出优于其他同类车型的卓越性。作为保时捷运动型多功能车型系列中的佼佼者,Cayenne车系再度推出了巅峰杰作——发动机输出功率达550 hp(405 kW)的新款Cayenne Turbo S。在保留Cayenne绝佳的越野性能、驾乘舒适性特色外,凭借综合型主动底盘,这款披上运动型多功能车外衣的“运动健将”在整体驾驶性能方面表现出优于其他同类车型的卓越性。在新欧洲行驶循环测试(NEDC)
This sporty multi-functional sportswear jacket outperforms other competing models in overall driving performance. As a leader in the Porsche sport utility vehicle lineup, the Cayenne car is once again the pinnacle of masterpieces - the new Cayenne Turbo S with an output of 550 hp (405 kW). In keeping with the Cayenne’s excellent off-road performance and driving comfort features, this sporty multi-functional sportscar underwear with integrated active chassis shows superior overall drivability over other similar Model of excellence. In the new European Driving Cycle Test (NEDC)