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战俘问题成障碍停战谈判双方于1951年11月下旬就第二项议程达成协议后,就转而讨论其余三项议程。到1952年5月初,双方实际上已就第三项议程(停战的具体安排和监督)和第五项议程(向双方有关各国政府建议事项)达成协议,但在第四项议程(遣返战俘问题)上,却仍陷于尖锐分歧。停战谈判为此继续拖了近15个月之久。原因在于美方一心要制造所谓 After the two sides reached an agreement on the second agenda in late November 1951, they discussed the remaining three items. By the beginning of May 1952, the two sides actually reached agreement on the third agenda (the concrete arrangements and oversight of the armistice) and the fifth agenda (on the proposals of the two governments concerned with each other), but on the fourth agenda (the issue of repatriation of prisoners of war ), It is still in sharp disagreement. Armistice negotiations have continued for nearly 15 months. The reason is that the United States bent on making the so-called