配制酒类销售的金钥匙 创立软硬件统一的新模式

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在市场经济中,企业能否在商品大潮中站稳脚跟,关键在于企业效益;而企业效益的决定因素之一就是营销。“酒香不怕巷子深”的经营理念已不能适应竞争日趋激烈的经济形势,一抓产品质量,二抓营销质量已成为企业前进的两个轮子。而纵观世界企业营销史,创造一流的营销媒介,特别是创立企业与客户有机结合的专业批发市场,是当今微观经济中最成功的经验。经过多年发展,在新世纪到来之际,我国各类市场已比比皆是,但创立高水准的,主客观有机融合,软硬件高度统一的市场仍是当今酒类营销中最迫切、最重要、最实用的头号课题。秦皇岛市 In the market economy, whether enterprises can gain a firm foothold in the tide of commodities, the key lies in the effectiveness of the enterprise; and one of the decisive factors for the enterprise’s effectiveness is marketing. The business concept of “wine is not afraid of a deep alley” has not been able to adapt to the increasingly fierce economic situation. As soon as the quality of products is grasped, the quality of marketing has become the two wheels of advancement. Looking at the history of world corporate marketing and creating first-rate marketing media, especially the creation of a professional wholesale market in which companies and customers are organically integrated, is the most successful experience in today’s micro-economy. After years of development, various markets in our country have been alive at the dawn of the new century, but the creation of a high-level, subjective and objective organic integration, and a unified hardware and software market is still the most urgent and important issue in today’s alcohol marketing. The most practical number one issue. Qinhuangdao City
随着国内宏观经济环境继续好转和世界经济增长趋稳,我国纺织业在克服一些不利因素后,预计今年总体上仍会继续保持稳定发展态势。 国内近几年来首次出现了经济增幅的止跌回升
关注芬尼斯是从欣赏其广告开始的:一颗绿色的心嵌于皮革中,简短的广告词“Loving Leather”直接点明意图,令人回味无穷。这个不足120名直接雇员的皮化公司缘何能在全球50多个
经陕西省计委批准立项,一条全自动年产5000吨腐植酸肥料生产线,由于投资已经到位,不久前在陕西省西安市杨凌示范区破土动工。 With the approval of the Shaanxi Provincia
成都金蝶软件科技有限公司是金蝶国际软件集团有限公司在四川的分支机构,成立于1997年,主要负责金蝶软件在四川地区的销售、售后服务及技术支持,并提供实施咨询服务。 Chen