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根据面齿轮、圆柱齿轮及蜗杆砂轮三者同时啮合的原理,推导面齿轮磨削用蜗杆砂轮的齿面方程。基于某型5轴数控机床模型,建立利用标准双锥面金刚滚轮修整蜗杆砂轮曲面的非线性接触方程。通过分解砂轮修整过程,将砂轮曲面的5坐标修整运动转化为一系列的3坐标连续运动。依据面齿轮与蜗杆砂轮间的共轭关系,导出面齿轮齿面偏差的砂轮修整补偿计算公式。试验表明,采用该方法磨削面齿轮其齿形偏差与齿距偏差能够达到国标GB11365-89中规定相同尺寸锥齿轮的6级精度水平。另外,该方法减少了同时联动的数控轴数,从而降低了对机床的数控精度要求。 According to the principle of surface gear, spur gear and worm wheel meshing at the same time, the tooth surface equation of worm wheel for surface gear grinding is derived. Based on the model of a 5-axis CNC machine tool, a nonlinear contact equation for dressing the worm wheel surface with a standard double-conical diamond wheel was established. By decomposing the grinding wheel dressing process, the 5-coordinate dressing movement of grinding wheel surface is transformed into a series of 3-coordinate continuous movement. According to the conjugate relationship between face gear and worm wheel, the formula of wheel dressing compensation for the deviation of gear tooth surface is deduced. The test shows that the tooth profile deviation and pitch deviation of the grinding face gear can reach the level 6 accuracy of the bevel gear of the same size specified in the national standard GB11365-89. In addition, this method reduces the number of NC axes that are linked at the same time and thus reduces the numerical accuracy requirements of the machine tool.
慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases,COPD)易并发自发性气胸,当气胸表现不典型易误漏诊。我院1995年1月-2005年3月收治COPD并发气胸37例,其中误诊16例,误诊
研究背景二硫化碳(Carbon disulfide,CS2)是一种常用的粘胶纤维工业合成品原料,普遍应用于服装行业。服装行业是一种以女性工作人员占主导的劳动密集型产业。近年来,CS2对女性
[病例]男,2岁,体重10 kg.因吞咽困难、发热2天入院.2天前无明显诱因出现吞咽困难、流涎,仅能进食少许流质,体温38~40℃,无咳嗽.脑脊液及头颅CT检查未见异常.行食管吞钡检查示