企业 南昌卷烟厂走“特色化、差异化” 之路,努力自主创新 本刊讯,自从2003年4月,国家烟草专卖局首 次提出“中式卷烟”这个概念以来,南昌卷烟厂走“特 色化、差异化”之路,努力自主创新,创出一种新品牌。 他们生产的金圣牌中式低害香烟,走得是一条 “差异化”的道路。通过在产品中添加金圣香,从而
Since Nanchang Cigarette Bureau first proposed the concept of “Chinese-style cigarettes” in April 2003, Nanchang Cigarette Factory has taken the “specialization and differentiation.” Since Nanchang Tobacco Monopoly Bureau first proposed the concept of “Chinese- Differentiate ”the road, strive to independent innovation, create a new brand. They produce the Kim Sung-card Chinese low-harm cigarettes, go is a “differentiated” road. By adding Golden Saint incense in the product, thus