在体育教学实践中,开展评教活动,对教师改进教学和促进学生学习都有着良好的作用。但如何把这一活动长期开展下去,并获得更好的效果呢?近年来,我做了一些尝试,收到了较好的效果。 具体作法是:要求每个学生都备有一个评教本。在每节课中学生可根据自己的观察和认识,对教师在整个教学过程中的行为表现、组织教学、教学方法及教学效果等诸方面的优缺点,提出自己的意见和建议,课后记录在本上。定期送给教
In the practice of PE teaching, carrying out the teaching evaluation activities plays an important role in improving teachers ’teaching and promoting students’ learning. However, how to carry out this activity for a long time and achieve better results? In recent years, I made some attempts and received good results. The specific approach is: Require each student is equipped with a review book. In each class, students can put forward their own opinions and suggestions according to their own observation and understanding, the teacher’s performance in the whole teaching process, the organization and teaching, teaching methods and teaching effects, etc. In this. Give regularly to teach