目的:了解中国中部地区城乡家庭健康行为现状。方法:采用多阶段随机抽样方法,选择1 208户家庭进行上门送发自填式问卷调查。结果:绝大多数家庭女主人参与决定吃什么饭菜(84.1%)和承担做饭的任务(87.9%)。分别有71.8%和65.7%的家庭基本能够低盐和低油饮食。电视是城乡家庭获取健康知识最为常用的渠道(89.7%)。当家庭成员患重大疾病的时候,有20.5%的家庭让患者自己解决。结论与建议:城镇家庭健康行为发生率高于农村家庭,主妇是家庭健康行为教育的关键人员,需要更加充分发挥电视在城乡家庭健康行为倡导上的作用。
Objective: To understand the current status of family health behaviors in urban and rural areas in central China. Methods: A multi-stage random sampling method was used to select 1 208 families to carry out self-contained questionnaires. Results: The vast majority of housewives participated in deciding what to eat (84.1%) and cooking (87.9%). 71.8% and 65.7% of the households respectively were able to have low salt and low oil diets. Television is the most commonly used channel for urban and rural families to acquire health knowledge (89.7%). When family members suffer from major diseases, 20.5% of families allow the patients themselves to solve them. Conclusions and Suggestions: The incidence of health behaviors among urban families is higher than that of rural families. Housewives are the key personnel in family health behavior education. They need to give full play to the role of television in promoting family health behaviors in urban and rural areas.