Open SEZ, More Advantages

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For the past three decades, Xiamen has formed a multi-layered comprehensive open economy covering SEZ, bonded port area, Taiwan-invested zone, export processing area, bonded area and hi-tech park. By sticking to special policies, flexible measures, opening and reform, Xiamen has become an important concentration area for overseas investment and an important gateway for outbound trade and opening to the outside world.
High-level leaders’ support
The construction of Xiamen SEZ won support from China’s top leaders, such as Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin. They visited Xiamen and offered great support. Today’s top leaders also care about the development of Xiamen SEZ and visited Xiamen many times.
President Hu Jintao was pleased with the construction and development of Xiamen SEZ and hoped that Xiamen could achieve more progress and improvements. In 2010, the State Council agreed to expand the scope of the Xiamen SEZ from Xiamen Island to the whole city. It means that Xiamen SEZ will have more space for development and that some problems bottlenecking its development will be tackled. The State Council said Xiamen will continue to serve as the trial plot to test some new institutional mechanisms and become a regional financial service center across the Taiwan Straits.
Some major reform measures in the financial sector were piloted in Xiamen and laid a solid foundation for Xiamen to build itself into a regional financial center. In addition, Xiamen has also been the pilot city for reform in other sectors. With all these reforms, Xiamen has become the National Demonstration City for Service Outsourcing, National Pilot City for Innovation, National Demonstration City for Modern Logistics, National Pilot City for Low Carbon Act,

Convergence of Television, Internet and Telecom Services and Cross-Straits Cooperation on Food and Logistics.
More progress has been achieved in the reform of the administrative examination, investment and financing system, the medical and health system, and the cultural system. With these innovations, Xiamen has enjoyed more advantages.
Going global
In a bid to build itself into an international shipping hub port, Xiamen has pushed forward its integration of the port administration system and the construction of the domestic port for international cruise ships.
As the host city of the annual China International Fair for Investment and Trade and Xiamen International Marathon and Xiamen Pavilion in the Urban Best Practice Area (UBPA) of the Shanghai Expo 2010, Xiamen has gained wider recognition at home and abroad. On the morning of October 12, 2010, Italian international cruise ship Costa Romantica set sail for Taiwan via Xiamen and made a temporary stop in the city. Xiamen thus became China’s first city to allow international cruise ships to stop at a number of Chinese coastal cities. By now construction of the first phase of Xiamen Haicang Bonded Port Zone has been finished and the zone is a customs special supervisory zone with the highest degree of opening, fullest range of functions and most preferential policies.
Xiamen now has 15 international sister cities and 18 international sister ports. It had trade relationship with 222 countries and regions in 2010 against 85 in 1981.
Opening to the outside I
n the past 30 years, Xiamen has reformed its foreign trade administration system and set up a complete foreign trade system. Xiamen has been standing up to meet the challenges of diversified international trade markets with quality export products. In the past, agricultural products and primary industrial products took up the major part of its exports. Today, Xiamen’s export was mainly dominated by machinery, electric products and textiles.
Xiamen has developed into China’s major distribution center for export and import products. In 2010 Xiamen’s foreign trade surged 31.7 percent year on year to reach $57.04 billion, ranking fifth among the country’s 15 sub-provincial cities. Between 1981 and 2010, Xiamen’s foreign trade totaled $382.79 billion, with an average annual growth of 22.7 percent. This includes $233.63 billion in exports, representing an average annual growth of 21 percent.
Foreign trade through Xiamen Port accounts for 75 percent of Fujian Province. In 1981, there were only five foreign trade compa- nies in Xiamen, and all state-owned that dealt with exports only. In 2010, Xiamen had 10,551 companies engaged in foreign trade and 84 of them each had an export and import value exceeding $100 million, and their total import and export value accounted for 55.5 percent of Xiamen’s total. In 2010, Xiamen exported hi-tech products worth $8.61 billion, and mechanical and electrical products worth $16.7 billion. While maintaining its strong prominence in the traditional export market, Xiamen has been tapping the emerging European and African markets. By the end of 2010, the number of export destination countries had reached 54 and their total imports had accounted for 93.3 percent of the city’s total exports.
Surging overseas investment
In the past three decades, Xiamen has received a steady increase in the number of investors from abroad. At the beginning, its investors were mainly from Hong Kong, Macao and Southeast Asian countries. Later, they were joined by business people from more than 70 countries and regions, including Japan, the United States, Europe and Taiwan. By the end of 2010, Xiamen had approved 9,007 foreign-invested enterprises with contractual foreign capital of $33.62 billion and paid-in foreign capital of $22.32 billion. A total of 6,504 foreign-invested enterprises have started operation.
Today, more foreign capital has been invested in capital- and technology-intensive projects rather than smaller, labor-intensive ones. Various efforts have been made to attract big foreign-invested projects, multinationals and hi-tech enterprises, such as Dell, ABB and Sumitomo. By the end of 2010, Xiamen had attracted 49 multinationals from the Fortune 500 list to invest in 89 projects with total contractual foreign capital of $1.94 billion.
Exchanges with Taiwan
In the past three decades, Xiamen, based on its special geographic environment and taking advantage of its historic and cultural background in exchanges with Taiwan, has energetically exploited trade cooperation and various exchanges with Taiwan, making active contributions to the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations and the reunification of the country. Xiamen
has the biggest number of Taiwan-invested enterprises among all the cities in Fujian Province. Of the four investment areas by Taiwan enterprises in Fujian, three are in Xiamen. With this advantage, Xiamen has actively promoted cooperation with Taiwan in 10 industries such as advanced manufacturing, finance and outsourcing services. It has established the first national-level base of science, technology and sports cooperation and exchange with Taiwan and the first cross-Straits center of agricultural product inspection and quarantine technologies. By the end of 2010, a total of 3,112 Taiwaninvested enterprises had been approved for establishment, with contractual investment of $49.8 billion and paid-in capital of $3.26 billion. In 2010 the trade volume between Xiamen and Taiwan totaled $6.38 billion, ranking first among the coast cities in southeast China. The establishment of the Xiamen Distribution Center for Fruit from Taiwan has been completed, which is the biggest of its kind in China. In 2010 Xiamen imported 5,963 tons of fruit from Taiwan, ranking first among all mainland ports.
Moreover, Xiamen has been listed as a pilot city of cross-Straits direct chartered flights, a port of direct marine transport and a mail dispatch office for cross-Straits postal services. Xiamen Airlines became the first airline from the mainland to set up an office in Taiwan. Xiamen has launched the first direct flight to Penghu and Taichung in Taiwan, and breakthroughs have been made in direct marine transport to Kinmen and Penghu in Taiwan. Since direct passenger marine transport between Xiamen and Kinmen was opened in 2001, a total of 5.8 million passengers have used this service. With the establishment of Taiwan King Dragon Life Insurance Co. Ltd. in Xiamen, the city has become a cross-Straits regional financial service center and one of the 20 pilot cities on the Chinese mainland for cross-border renminbi settlement.
In recent years, Xiamen has become the first mainland city to send delegations of the municipal government and the municipal people’s political consultative conference to Taiwan, and realized cross-Straits party exchanges at the grassroots.
Xiamen is one of the cities with the most active cross-Straits cultural exchanges. The exchange between Xiamen and Taiwan in culture, education, science and technology, health care, sports, religion and folklore is rich in content and varied in form, effectively stimulating relations between the mainland and Taiwan.
《出国与就业》杂志于1993年创刊,由中国国际贸易促进委员会主管,中国四达国际经济技术合作公司主办的国家级优秀中文期刊,国内统一刊号:CN11-3283/C,国际标准刊号:ISSN1005-7811,国内邮发代号:18-328。  《出国与就业》就业办刊宗旨:打造国内一流的就业、深造以及职业发展研究学术刊物,促进学术交流,宣传和推广教育与就业最新研究成果,立足于教育与就业的现状,广泛交流国内外教育