Credit is the foundation and lifeline of the market economy. In essence, credit is internalized by internal compulsion as the conscious psychological orientation of social subjects, and is the code of conduct and basic norms of social subject self-restraint. It not only reflects the moral sincerity of the transaction subject in its pursuit of the predetermined goal, but also reflects the ability of the transaction subject to fulfill its promise. In the transitional period, China experienced the full crisis of the social credit system. Apart from the reasons why the social system is overly drastic, there are three important factors that should not be overlooked. One is the vacuum and loopholes caused by the transition of the credit system under the conditions of the system shortage ; The other is the reverse incentive caused by the defects of the incentive structure; the third is the weakening of credit monitoring mechanism aggravating the asymmetry of information. The prerequisite for building a credit society is to establish macro-basic conditions such as a credit-worthy government, a benign system of property rights, and a society ruled by law.