“我们深知,机场是旅客抵达城市的第一印象,第一名片。在旧金山机场,我们尽全力将一切做到最好,令乘客体验到舒适、尊贵和友好的服务。我们拥有引以为豪的设备、安检系统和安全措施,我们期待更多来自上海的朋友。”旧金山国际机场副总裁Kandace Bender 1月31日在接受记者采访时如是说。上海和旧金山早在1979年就建立起了姐妹友好城市关系,29年来两个城市的历届市长进行过多次友好互访。目前,旧金山至上海每天一个航班直飞,由美国联合航空公司执飞。耗资24亿美元扩建的旧金山国际机场(SFO)是从西海岸进入美国,并连接到其国内各大城市的重要门户。乘客可通过该机场每天
“We know very well that the airport is the number one visitor to the city and the number one business card. At San Francisco Airport we try our best to make everything to the best of comfort, luxury and friendly service for our passengers. Proud of the equipment, security systems and security measures, and we look forward to more friends from Shanghai. ”Kandace Bender, San Francisco International Airport Vice President, said in an interview on January 31. As early as 1979, Shanghai and San Francisco established sister-sister cities, and the past mayors of the two cities conducted many friendly visits over the past 29 years. At present, San Francisco to Shanghai a daily non-stop flights, by United Airlines to fly. The $ 2.4 billion expansion of San Francisco International Airport (SFO) is an important gateway to the United States from the West Coast and to major cities in the country. Passengers can pass the airport daily