随着我国加入WTO ,我国的食品对外贸易正面临着新的机遇和挑战 ,为了维护国际信誉和国内外消费者的利益 ,保证我国进出口食品的卫生质量 ,从事进出口食品的生产、贸易、检验检疫工作的有关人员 ,在实际工作中需要掌握各国动植物产品和食品中农药、兽药残留限量标准方面的资
With China’s accession to the WTO, China’s foreign trade in food is facing new opportunities and challenges. In order to safeguard the international reputation and the interests of consumers both at home and abroad, ensure the health quality of China’s imported and exported foods, engage in the production and trade of imported and exported foods, The relevant personnel of the inspection and quarantine work need to know the actual amount of pesticide and veterinary drug residue limits in animal and plant products and foodstuffs in various countries