勃艮第地区位于法国中部,其范围包括科多尔、索思—卢瓦尔、涅夫勒和约讷四省,西北部有巴黎盆地延入,南部为中央高原,首府第戎。面积31582平方公里,占法国国土面积的5.7%;人口160多万,占全国总人口的2.8%。 勃艮第人引以自豪、也让外国人最心驰神往的,就是盛产于当地的葡萄酒。整个勃艮第上空都弥漫首一种葡萄酒的醇香,可以说,勃艮第是一个葡萄酒王国,从沙布利地区开始,到第戎正南的博纳和马孙,直至里昂正北的博诺莱,首先映入
The Burgundy region is located in the central part of France, covering the areas of Códor, Soth-Loire, Neff and Jaune, the extension of the Paris basin to the northwest, the central plateau and the capital of Dijon in the south. Area of 31582 square kilometers, accounting for 5.7% of French territory; population of more than 1.6 million, accounting for 2.8% of the total population. Burgundies proud, but also foreigners most fascinated, is rich in local wines. The whole of Burgundy is full of the first kind of mellow wine, it can be said that Burgundy is a wine country, starting from the Chablis to the south of Dijon, Bonaventure and Masson, until the north of Lyon Bonuo Lai , First reflected