一、我国试行的医疗保险制度及成效 医疗保险是全国目前正在试点、选择和推行的养老、待业、医疗三大保险中最复杂、覆盖面最广的一项社会系统工程。现试行的医疗保险制度将改变公费医疗、劳保医疗费用筹集办法,实行医疗保险金由国家、集体和个人三方共同承担,社会统筹,定额保险超支分担。 1992年,深圳市作为全国综合改革示范市率先推行医疗保险制度,在深圳市注册登记的各类企事业单位必须统一为
I. China’s Trial Medical Insurance System and Effectiveness Medical insurance is the most complicated and most widely covered social system project in the country’s three major insurance programs: pension, unemployment, and medical care that are currently being piloted, selected, and implemented. The medical insurance system currently being trialed will change the methods for the collection of publicly funded medical care and labor insurance medical expenses. The implementation of medical insurance benefits shall be jointly undertaken by the state, the collective, and the individual, social co-ordination, and fixed-rate insurance overspend. In 1992, Shenzhen, as the nation’s comprehensive reform demonstration city, took the lead in promoting the medical insurance system. All types of enterprises and institutions registered in Shenzhen must be unified.