
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:watersss1111
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To compare the neonatal outcome of vaginally delivered (VD) to that of abdomin ally delivered (CS) vertex-nonvertex (Vx/NVx)-twins. Vx/NVx live nonanomalous twin gestations ≥25 weeks delivered from 1984 to 2000 were divided into two gro ups: VD (N=138), and CS (N=79). The outcome of the second twin was compared. The vaginal delivery rate for the Vx/NVx twins was 63.6%. The median Apgar scores at 1 and 5 min, respectively, were significantly lower in VD [7 (0-9) and 9 (1 -10)] compared to CS [8 (2-10) and 9 (2-10)]. The neonatal mortality was also higher in VD (109/1000 vs. 38/1000, p=0.040). Differences in the 1-min Apgar s cores persisted when infants <1500 g were excluded. All other neonatal outcome v ariables studied including respiratory distress syndrome, necrotizing enterocoli tis, intraventricular hemorrhage, trauma, seizures, and length of nursery stay w ere similar. On logistic regression analysis, vaginal delivery of Vx/NVx twins m arginally increased low 5-min Apgar scores and neonatal deaths. Vaginal deliver y in vertex-nonvertex twins was achieved in 63.6%of cases at the expense of a higher incidence of low 1-and 5-min Apgar scores and neonatal death. To compare the neonatal outcome of vaginally delivered (VD) to that of abdominally delivered (CS) vertex-nonvertex (Vx / NVx) -twins. Vx / NVx live nonanomalous twin gestations ≥25 weeks delivered from 1984 to 2000 were divided into two The outcome of the second twin was compared. The vaginal delivery rate for the Vx / NVx twins was 63.6%. The median Apgar scores at 1 and 5 min (n = 79) , respectively, were significantly lower in VD [7 (0-9) and 9 (1-10) compared to CS [8 (2-10) and 9 (109/1000 vs. 38/1000, p = 0.040). Differences in the 1-min Apgar s cores persisted when infants <1500 g were excluded. All other neonatal outcome v ariables tested including respiratory distress syndrome, necrotizing enterocoli tis, intraventricular hemorrhage, trauma, seizures, and length of nursery stay w ere similar. On logistic regression analysis, vaginal delivery of Vx / NVx twins m arginarily increased low 5-min Apgar scores and neonatal deaths. Vaginal deliver y in vertex-nonvertex twins was achieved in 63.6% of cases at the expense of a higher incidence of low 1-and 5-min Apgar scores and neonatal death.
本文主要研究了出土西汉“五铢”钱币上的一种特殊锈蚀结构———“银灰亮”。通过仪器分析发现 ,银灰亮具有十分致密的结构 ,其成分主要为一价铜的硫化物 ,同时含有少量二价
今日通过一个病例,和大家聊一聊外科医生掌握腹型过敏性紫癜的重要性及要点。  病例介绍  患儿,男,13 岁,因“脐周、右下腹疼痛伴纳差6天”入院。在当地卫生室输液治疗效果欠佳入院,入院大小便正常,T:37.6℃,查体:皮肤黏膜无明显异常,脐周、麦氏点压痛明显,有反跳痛。  血常规:WBC:12.79X10^9/L NEU%:77.2%、BCRP 高,尿常规、生化均未见异常,腹部 B 超:肠系膜淋巴
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