慢性前列腺炎是泌尿外科的常见病、多发病之一。据文献报告在35岁以上的男性中患此病的占30—35%左右。另有文献报告占泌尿外科门诊病人的1/2。据我们的统计约占我院泌尿外科门诊病人的1/3左右。由于缺乏对症状的分析及检查,有的病人曾被误诊为:“尿路系统感染”、“神经官能症”、“阳萎”、“下腰部疼痛”等等,延误了诊断及治疗,没能及时解决病人的痛苦。为提供资料、总结经验,更好的指导今后的临床工作,结合复习国内外有关文献材料,并统计分析100例,现报告如下。一、临床资料1.职业:工人,39例;农民,25例;干部21例;学生,15例。2.婚否:已婚,79例;未婚,21例。3 年龄:16—25岁,22例;26—50岁,53例;50岁以上25例。4.病程:1—6个月,19例;7个月—1
Chronic prostatitis is a common disease of urology, frequently-occurring disease. According to the literature reported in men over the age of 35 suffering from the disease accounted for about 30-35%. There are other literature reports of urological outpatients 1/2. According to our statistics account for about one-third of our hospital urology clinic patients. Due to a lack of analysis and examination of symptoms, some patients have been misdiagnosed as “urinary tract infections,” “neurosis,” “impotence,” “lower back pain,” etc., which delayed diagnosis and treatment. Can promptly solve the patient’s pain. To provide information, sum up experience, better guidance for future clinical work, combined with the review of domestic and foreign literature, and statistical analysis of 100 cases, are as follows. First, the clinical data 1. Occupation: workers, 39 cases; farmers, 25 cases; 21 cadres; students, 15 cases. Marriage No: Married, 79 cases; unmarried, 21 cases. 3 Age: 16-25 years old, 22 cases; 26-50 years old, 53 cases; 25 cases over the age of 50. 4 course of disease: 1-6 months, 19 cases; 7 months -1