《THE COLOR OF PARADISE》,中文译名《天堂的颜色》,是一部伊朗电影,导演是伊朗最著名的电影导演之一——马吉德·马吉地。本片曾获得2000年蒙特利尔国际电影节的最佳影片奖。看到片名,似乎内容应该与色彩相关,它的开头却是一片漆黑,
“THE COLOR OF PARADISE”, a Chinese translation of “The Color of Paradise,” is an Iranian film directed by one of Iran’s most famous film directors, Majid Mageti. The film won the 2000 Montreal International Film Festival’s best film award. See the title, it seems that the content should be related to color, it’s beginning is a dark,