在笑语喧哗的中式婚礼中,一张张新人的合影现场通过手机、数码相机从HP Photosmart475便携式照片打印机内打印出来,与一串串中国结编在一起成为“照片红线”,牵起千里姻缘;当深情感人的回敬父母时刻,新人最快只需要14秒就可用HP Photosmart8238照片打印机和高级惠普相纸将现场的第一张照片打印出来送给父母,感慰父母的养育之恩;在幸福洋溢人头攒动的草坪婚礼上,HP Photo- smart475随时随地打印新人与宾客的合影, 把新婚的甜蜜与亲朋好友即刻分享……这些,都是HP公司“印得甜蜜,即刻分享”创意婚礼大赛现场让人耳目一新的场景。
In the noisy Chinese wedding, a group of new people took a photo from the mobile phone and digital camera to print out the HP Photosmart475 portable photo printer, together with a string of Chinese knots to create a “photo red line” Affectionate response to their parents, the rookie only takes 14 seconds as fast as possible HP Photosmart8238 photo printers and advanced HP photo paper will be the scene of the first photo print out to parents, nostalgic parental nourishing grace; filled with happiness full of people Lawn wedding, HP Photo-smart475 print new people and guests anytime, anywhere photo, the newlywed sweet moment with friends and family to share ... ... These are HP’s “sweet print, instant sharing” creative wedding contest scene refreshing Scene.