“异化”(alienation)一词来源于拉丁语alienatio(变卖)。同权威的《牛津英语词典》的解释相反,它似乎不是以中世纪法语aliénacion为本源。该字未曾收入哥德弗罗伊编的十卷本《古法语词典》。托卜勒—洛马契编的古法语词典中收入alienacion的一例和动词aliener的一例,此两词皆为不著名的诗人吉列斯·里·穆斯(Gilles Li Muis)所使用过。
The word “alienation” comes from the Latin alienatio. Contrary to the authoritative interpretation of the Oxford English Dictionary, it does not seem to originate from the medieval French aliénacion. The word was never included in the ten Old French lexicons compiled by Godefroy. One example of the alienacion income and the aliener verb aliener, both of which were used by the notorious poet Gilles Li Muis, were recorded in the Old French Dictionary of Topul-Lomache.