据《西方医学杂法》(Western Journal of Medicne 144:454,1986)报道,最常见的引起老年人的视力减退甚至失明的斑点变性。促进其发展的主要因素看来是由于在几十年的长期过程中视网膜反复接触紫外线的累积效应所致。阳光中的紫外线在通过眼睛时,
According to the Western Journal of Medicne 144: 454 (1986), the most common degeneration of the eye caused by diminished or even blind vision in the elderly is reported. The main factor contributing to its development appears to be due to the cumulative effect of repeated exposure of the retina to ultraviolet light over a long period of several decades. The sun’s ultraviolet rays through the eyes,