“Mad Men” model, the name Ruan Jiu-sung, Natsume Atsushi, the word Jiuyou, also known as Wen-heng. “Lu Xun diary,” said “Ruan Jiu Sun” or “nine Sun,” different. The sixth child of Lu Xun’s aunt, there are still Meng Geng, Kang Sun, and Sun three brothers and Zhu Gu and other two sisters. Jiu Sun was born in 1886 in Zhejiang Shangyu - Shaoxing. Early graduated from Zhejiang Law and Politics College. To be in the northwest actress - local military officer Sasuke staff. Suffering from “persecution mad”: “confused mind faint,” said “all ages to discuss the design and manufacture of framed Yi gentry framed.” (See the “Dead Men’s Book” for his mother.) In October 1916 he was