根据中墨科技交流协定,我柑桔考察组一行3人于1980年1月2日至2月2日对墨西哥进行了考察。我们到了墨西哥城以及努埃沃莱昂(Nuevo Leon)、塔毛利帕斯(Tamaulipas)、维拉克鲁斯(Veracruz)和科利马(Colima)等4个州,考察了生产、科研和教育部门的17个单位。所到之处,受到墨西哥朋友的热情接待,并应墨方要求,在墨西哥全国水果委员会和全国农业研究所等单位介绍了我国柑桔生产和科研情况。 通过考察,使我们对墨西哥柑桔生产和科研情
According to the agreement on technology exchange between China and Mexico, three of my citrus team visited Mexico from January 2 to February 2, 1980. We went to Mexico City and to four states, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Veracruz and Colima, visited production, research and education departments 17 units. Wherever he went, he was warmly received by his Mexican friends and, at the request of the Mexican side, introduced the status of citrus production and research in Mexico at the National Fruit Commission of Mexico and the National Agricultural Research Institute. By examining and bringing us to the citrus production and research intelligence in Mexico