历史上第一张新闻照片于5月9日在伦敦索斯比拍卖行以18.2万英镑的价格成交。 这张新闻照片摄于1848年6月,是法国摄影师蒂博用当时流行的银板照相技术摄制的,照片反映了法国大革命时期巴黎人民起义的真实情况(右图)。这张照片曾被刊登在当时的法国报纸《环球画报》上,成为世界上第一张新闻摄影作品,极具历史和收藏价值。 银板照相技术首次登场是在1839年,19世纪50年代中期开始流行,后被新的胶片技术所取代。
The first news photo in history was sold for £ 182,000 at Sotheby’s in London on May 9. This news photo was taken in June 1848 and was filmed by the French photographer Tibai using popular silver plate photography at the time. The photograph shows the true situation of the Paris people’s uprising during the French Revolution (right). This photo was published in the then French newspaper Universal Pictures and became the world’s first photojournalism, with a great historical and collectible value. The debut of silver plate photography started in 1839, became popular in the mid-1850s and was later replaced by new film technology.