
来源 :建筑机械化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yyzw98
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建筑机械化研究所成立以来,所走过的道路很不平凡,这个所在建筑机械化的研究和实践中,不断摸索,不断总结经验,逐步发展壮大。经过三十年的努力,现在已经建设成为我国建筑机械化行业的重要科研基地。三十年的实践证明,机械化所的任务方向是正确的。该所从解放繁重的体力劳动入手,开展为实现半机械化和机械化施工的各种课题研究,取得了大量的成果和较好的效益。例如:在中小型砌块建筑方面,从砌块预制,吊装到装修作业机械化。这套工艺是比较成熟的;在小型土方机械化方面,从开挖、装卸到运输机械化,这方面的机 Since the founding of the Institute of Construction Mechanization, the path it has taken has been extraordinary. In the research and practice of construction mechanization, it has been constantly groping, constantly summing up experience, and gradually growing. After 30 years of hard work, it has now become an important scientific research base for China’s construction mechanization industry. Thirty years of practice have proved that the direction of the task of mechanization is correct. The institute began with the liberation of heavy physical labor and carried out research on various topics for the realization of semi-mechanized and mechanized construction, and achieved a great deal of results and better results. For example, in the construction of small and medium-sized block buildings, the prefabrication of blocks, hoisting, and the mechanization of the decoration work. This process is relatively mature; in mechanization of small-scale earthmoving, from excavation, loading and unloading to transport mechanization, this aspect of the machine
由我院自动化系,农水系合作开发的《中小型低水头径流式水电站规划阶段 CAD 系统》已取得阶段性成果。并于七月十八日在我院计算机应用软件签定组的主持下,对该项成果进行了
河北省建筑学会工程勘察学术委员会暨学术交流会议于1986年1月12日至16日在石家庄市召开。到会代表82名。收到论文47篇,并宣读了主要论文。 The Academic Committee of Eng
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