Historically, researchers of mineral flotation have focused more on the many factors that affect flotation. Some factors are related to the type of mineral, the height of the mineral solution (however defined), the chemical nature of the solution and the flotation reagent. The complexity of the interaction between these factors often raises the question of whether the final grade / recovery result from a laboratory or semi-industrial test is the highest recovery at a particular grade. The reason for this condition is that until now no general technique has been established for floatability of ores. This article describes the further development of “dendritic” flotation methods for metal minerals that are distinct from coal, highlighting their use in iron ore. A moderately complex SOE system was chosen between simple coal preparation and complex sulfide minerals to explain the concepts and concepts. “Dendritic” flotation methods include segmented flotation of successive foam products and re-flotation to remove impurities. Therefore, in terms of flotability, it manifests itself as a balancing approach rather than a motivational one. Order to improve the quality of various products and tailings arranged in order to obtain the cumulative grade / recovery curve, with the same ore batch experiments alone or factory production results can be compared with the curve. In the work presented in this paper, we tested jasper iron ore with different grinding particle sizes to determine the best flotation grade - recovery rate for a given set of chemicals. The process sorting characteristics are best determined with a system that contains particles like those for the “middle mine” (for the process described). For this reason, a natural system was chosen instead of the typical system in order to be closer to the actual plant