阐述了现行《工程测量规范》(GB 5 0 0 2 6 - 93)中导线测量技术指标的推算过程 ,给出了长度超过规范要求导线的全长相对闭合差值 ,尝试性提出了“以相邻点相对点位中误差为主要控制要素、以最弱点点位中误差为辅助控制要素”的导线测量技术要求
The calculation process of wire measurement technique in the current “Engineering Measurement Specification” (GB 5 0 0 2 6 - 93) is expounded, and the relative closure difference of the wire length exceeding the standard is given. Adjacent points in the adjacent point of error as the main control element, the weakest point in the error as a secondary control element "wire measurement technology requirements