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病历摘要患者32岁,农民。住院号12445,孕1产1。于1989年7月23日因产后5天,腹痛5天入院。患者于5天前在我院自然分娩一名孕足月女性活婴,分娩过程中有人为按压宫底以增加腹压病史,产时产后流血不多,产后当日出院。出院后即感觉腹部疼痛,呈阵发性自以为产后宫缩痛未经治疗,但腹痛逐渐加重呈持续性。伴恶心,有时发热而来诊。入院查体:Bp15/11,P84,神志清,表情痛苦,贫血貌,心肺听诊正常,脐周皮肤有瘀血斑,全腹均有压痛、反跳痛及肌紧张,但以左下腹为明显,宫底脐平有压痛,内诊查左侧阴道壁上部似有一囊性包块,其上界不 Patient 32 years old, farmer. Hospital number 12445, 1 pregnant and 1. July 23, 1989 due to postpartum 5 days, abdominal pain 5 days admitted. Patients in our hospital 5 days ago natural delivery of a pregnant full-term female live births, during labor someone pressed the bottom of the palace to increase the history of abdominal pressure, postpartum small amount of labor during childbirth, postpartum day discharge. Feeling abdominal pain after discharge, was paroxysmal self-abortion that pain untreated postpartum, but gradually increased abdominal pain was sustained. With nausea, fever and sometimes visit. Admission examination: Bp15 / 11, P84, clear mind, facial expression pain, anemia, cardiopulmonary auscultation, umbilical skin with bleeding spots, all abdominal tenderness, rebound tenderness and muscle tension, but the left lower quadrant was obvious , Umbilical flat uterus tenderness, the inner part of the left vaginal wall seems to have a cystic mass, the upper bound is not
天子脚下生活的北京人,透过山西这扇窗户,看到的是一个与皇城不同的、大大的江湖。 Peking Man, who lived at the foot of the emperor, saw this through a window in Sh
××同学:寄来的《图书与情报》1984年1、2期收到。……。看过评第十九版《杜威法》后,有下列几点意见,请检查:1、排印有错误。如:25面(倒6行)“婆罗 × × students: sent
The history of raising duck in China can be dated back to the Neolithic Age four or five thousand years ago. Primitive Chinese at this stage began to settle an
我科在1990年6月和1991年1月,分别为年轻宫体癌、宫颈癌患者行手术治疗的同时,作卵巢移位术,效果满意,现介绍如下. 1临床资料:例1宫颈癌:37岁,临床分期Ⅱ_b期,病理类型为宫
1985年1月至1988年12月底,我院妇产科共娩出围产儿4701例,其中死亡324例。现将324例围产儿死亡回顾分析如下: 临床资料分娩的4701例中,母龄小于24岁者1580例,死亡112例,占同