1942年1 1月,第二次世界大战苏德战场激战正酣,英美联军在法属北非登陆,实施了代号为“火炬”的登陆战役。此次战役为彻底歼灭北非的德意军队,控制地中海,巩固中东,并向欧洲大陆反攻创造了有利条件。其胜利在一定程度上减轻了德军对苏军的压力。 法属北非,包括法属摩洛哥、阿尔及利亚和突尼斯等国。法国投降后,维希政府在法属北非约有军
In January 1942, the fighting in the battlefields of the Second World War and the Soviet Union was in full swing. The Anglo-American coalition forces landed in French North Africa and implemented the landing battle codenamed “Torch.” This campaign has created favorable conditions for the complete annihilation of the German and Italian troops in North Africa, the control of the Mediterranean Sea, the consolidation of the Middle East and the counterattack to the European continent. To a certain extent, its victory reduced the German pressure on the Soviet army. French North Africa, including French Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. After the French surrender, the Vichy government has about a military presence in French North Africa