云南垦区低温寒害问题的再认识 (试验调查研究综合报告)

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伟大的导师恩格斯教导我们:“生命是整个自然界的结果”因此,要在云南垦区种植橡胶树就得研究和了解云南垦区的自然条件。通过二十四年的植胶生产实践证明,云南垦区发展橡胶生产存在着低温寒害问题。一、云南垦区低温寒害是发展 橡胶生产的主要限制因子 二十四年生产实践证明,云南垦区橡胶树低温寒害普遍而又严重,问题复杂而又特殊。下面是我们对这一问题的初步认识: 低温寒害的普遍性 云南垦区植胶以来,没有一个分场甚至没有一个生产队橡胶树不遭受寒害的。据73/74年冬普查,各种不同树龄的胶树受害普遍率为66.4—79.5%,苗圃苗木为77.9%,据75/76年冬普查,各种不同树龄的胶树受害普遍率为52.1—78.2%,苗圃苗木为72.5—79.1%。橡胶树寒害在云南垦区具有普遍性,只是地区与地区、单位与单位之间受害有轻有重,程度有所差异罢了。 Engels, a great instructor, teaches us: “Life is the result of the whole nature.” Therefore, planting rubber trees in the reclamation area of ​​Yunnan Province will have to study and understand the natural conditions of Yunnan reclamation area. Through twenty-four years of plastic planting production practice proved that there is a problem of low temperature and cold injury in Yunnan reclamation rubber production. First, the low temperature and cold damage in Yunnan reclamation area is the main limiting factor for the development of rubber production Twenty-four years of production practice has proved that the Yunnan tree reclamation rubber tree low temperature chill is common and serious, the problem is complex and special. Here is our preliminary understanding of this issue: The prevalence of cold damage Since the reclamation of Yunnan Reclamation, there is not even a production team of rubber trees do not suffer from cold damage. According to the 73/74 winter survey, the prevalence rate of plastic tree trees of different ages was 66.4-79.5% and that of nursery seedlings was 77.9%. According to the general survey of 75/76 years, the prevalence rate of plastic tree trees with different ages was 52.1 -78.2%, seedling nursery 72.5-79.1%. Rubber tree chill injury in Yunnan reclamation area is universal, but the region and region, between the unit and the unit has the severity of light and heavy, there are some differences Bale.
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