十六大以来,中国保险市场保持了持续快速发展的势头,又好又快做大做强保险业取得积极进展。寿险业发展尤为突出,2007年,寿险公司实现原保险保费收入4 948.97亿元,同比增长22.16%,寿险公司的总资产和可运用资金增长迅速,市场主体不断增加,对保险业的影响更加显著。在看到这些成绩的同时,也应客观认识到,自1982年人身保险业务恢复以来,寿险公司的独立经营不过十多年的时间,寿险业的发展壮大和寿险公司的经营始终在不断探索中进行。当人们认识到不能够以“产险经营模式”替代“寿险
Since the 16th CPC National Congress, the insurance market in China has maintained its momentum of sustained and rapid development and has made positive and rapid progress in making the insurance industry bigger and stronger. The development of life insurance industry is particularly prominent. In 2007, the life insurance company realized the original insurance premium income of 494.997 billion yuan, an increase of 22.16% over the same period of last year. The total assets and available funds of life insurance companies increased rapidly, the main body of the market continued to increase, and the impact on the insurance industry was even more significant . While seeing these achievements, we should also objectively recognize that since the personal insurance business was resumed in 1982, the life insurance company has been operating independently for only ten years. The development and expansion of the life insurance industry and the management of life insurance companies are always under continuous exploration get on. When people realize that they can not replace ”life insurance“ with ”property and casualty management mode"