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“敕勒川,阴山下。天似穹庐,笼盖四野。天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹草低见牛羊。”这是《乐府诗集》中的《敕勒川》。这首短歌在我国民间广为流传,经久不衰。它描绘出了我国北方的一个少数民族——敕勒族的生活图景。从出土文物证实,我国很早以前就有几个民族活动在长城内外,大漠南北,其中敕勒族就是一支。在东汉末年,敕勒族游牧于今贝加尔湖一带,到北魏神(?)二年(429年),拓拔焘用兵已尼坡(贝加尔 “Heaven and earth Qionglu, cover four wild days sky, the wild boundless, wind blew low see cattle and sheep.” This is the “Yuefu Poetry” in the “Chuan Le Chuan.” This song is widely circulated in our country folk, enduring. It depicts a picture of the life of the Chollis, a minority in northern China. From the unearthed cultural relics confirmed that China had long ago there are several ethnic activities in and out of the Great Wall, north and south of the desert, which is an ethnic group. In the late Eastern Han dynasty, the Qale family nomadic in the present Baikal area, to the Northern Wei god (?) Two years (429 years)