妊娠急性脂肪肝(acute fatty liver of pregnancy,AFLP)是妊娠晚期少见但预后凶险、可能危及母婴生命的疾病。虽然发病率不高,约为9 000~16 000例孕产妇中出现1例,但孕产妇的病死率曾高达70%,及时终止妊娠是改善母婴预后的关键因素,目前孕产妇的病死率降低到10%左右~([1-2]),围生期新生儿的病死率也下降。护理在AFLP并发症的防治和康复中起到重要的作用,我们通过对2003年至2015
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy (acute fatty liver of pregnancy, AFLP) is a rare late pregnancy, but the prognosis is dangerous, may endanger the life and mother’s disease. Although the incidence is not high, about 9 000 ~ 16 000 cases of pregnant women in 1 case, but the maternal mortality rate was as high as 70%, timely termination of pregnancy is the key factor to improve maternal and infant prognosis, the current maternal mortality Reduced to about 10% ~ ([1-2]), perinatal neonatal mortality also declined. Nursing plays an important role in the prevention and rehabilitation of AFLP complications.