保护森林植被 控制水土流失

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生态环境恶化是我国洪水灾害频繁发生的根本原因。要维护生态环境,必须保护森林植被。因为森林既可以挡风,调节气候,又可以御沙,强大的根系起着固沙和改良土壤的作用,树冠就象一把天然雨伞,可以截留降水,使雨水不直接冲刷地表,加上林地上的枯树和植被,使大量雨水不致? The deterioration of the ecological environment is the root cause of frequent floods in our country. To maintain the ecological environment, we must protect the forest vegetation. Because the forest can not only wind the wind, regulate the climate, but also the sand, the strong roots play a role in sand fixation and soil improvement, the canopy is like a natural umbrella, you can trap precipitation, so that the rain does not directly scour the surface, Dead trees and vegetation, so that a large number of rain will not?