Development of ground control station and path planning for autonomous MUAV

来源 :哈尔滨工业大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DayaL
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For autonomous MUAV,the Ground Control Station(GCS)including hardware and modular software programming such as control modular,navigation modular,display modular and monitor modular becomes important equipment to be developed.This paper emphasizes the global planning and the local replanning arithmetic based on three-dimensional velocity potential field for the moving threats.During the test on the ground and in the sky,GCS show the remote sensing information precisely and send the control command in time.The system can be used to assist in the function of autonomous complex task for MUAV.
1 案例资料1.1 案情摘要田某,女,55岁,因"右面部不自主抽动3年"于2008年1月7日入院.次日头颅MRI检查诊断为"右侧小脑幕脑膜瘤".于2008年1月14日15时在全麻下行"右枕下开颅脑
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