
来源 :中国文化产业评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shijincheng520
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文化是人类社会群体化生存的具体方式和方法,包含着物质文化和精神文化的创造、累积和传承。从帛书、竹简到《史记》、《汉书》,从刀耕火种到铁犁牛耕,物质文化与精神文化的创造、累积和传承方式方法的创新成为推动群体化社会发展的动力,使人类走出蒙昧,走向文明。人,是创造文化的主体,是群体化社会建构的基础。从人的发展来看,文化产业以先进文化的生产、传播和扩散,提高大众文化素质和认知水平,以解决人在社会化情境中因社会发展产生的认知失调,促进人的发展;从经济发展的角度来看,文化产业向传统产业延伸,进一步提高了物化产品的形象、质量和功能,满足了消费者愿望的升级。发展文化产业,就是要提升大众素质,满足社会需求,调适社会心理,解决社会问题,推动社会发展。 Culture is a concrete way and method for the social existence of human beings, which includes the creation, accumulation and inheritance of material culture and spiritual culture. From silk books and bamboo slips to Records of the Historian and Han Dynasty, innovations in ways and means of creation, accumulation and inheritance of material, spiritual and spiritual culture from slash-and-burn farming to iron plow cattle farming have become the driving force behind the development of mass society, To civilization. People are the main body of creating culture and the foundation of mass society construction. From the point of view of human development, the cultural industry promotes the development of human beings with the production, dissemination and diffusion of advanced culture and the promotion of popular cultural qualities and levels of cognition in order to solve the cognitive imbalance that has resulted from social development in the context of socialization. From the perspective of economic development, the extension of the cultural industry to the traditional industries further improves the image, quality and function of the materialized products and meets the aspirations of consumers. To develop cultural industries means to raise the quality of the general public, meet the needs of the community, adjust social psychology, solve social problems and promote social development.