2009年元旦前夕,前摩托罗拉亚太区总裁梁念坚以微软中国总裁的新身份向媒体作新年贺词,朴实的语言,真诚的语调,让人感受到这位到任刚一个多月的微软“新欢”低调、内敛而又不乏激情。优中称奇不二人选 2008年11月13日下午4时,北京,微软媒体沟通会,微软公司高级副总裁、微软国际业务总裁菲利浦向与会人员隆重介绍新坚,“梁念坚先生是一位有着很高声望的业界资深人士,非常了解中国以及整个亚洲市场的情况。在过去的二十年当中,他在企业,而且他也具有高度的专业精神和深刻的洞察力,同时也富有幽默感。” 面对眼前这位身材敦实、亲和感很强
On the eve of 2009 New Year’s Eve, the former president of Motorola Asia Pacific Leong Nian Jian Microsoft China president of the new identity to the media for the New Year message, plain language, sincere tone, people feel the arrival of just over a month Microsoft Low-key, introverted and passionate. Youzhongkuibu candidates November 13, 2008 at 4 pm, Beijing, Microsoft Media Communications, Microsoft’s senior vice president, Microsoft International Business President Philip to grandly introduce the new members of the participants, “Mr. Leung Nian Jian is a He has a high reputation in the industry veteran who has a good understanding of China and the entire Asian market. For the past 20 years he has been in business and he is also highly professional and insightful, Sense. ”The face of this figure is solid, very strong sense of affinity