一、为什么要制订《反倾销法》? 由于一国的生产商或出口商以一种不正常的低于国内市场的价格,甚至低于商品生产成本的价格,向另一国市场倾销其商品,扩大其出口。从而使进口国国内相同产品的生产商受到沉重打击,进口国国内消费者的利益最终也受到严重损害。因此,为了保护本国的经济和本国生产商的利益,进口国往往采取制订反对倾销的政策措施或反倾销的法律,对“倾销”这种不公平的贸易行为及其危害后果进行限制。例如,对别国以低价倾销输入本国的产品征收反倾销税,来抵消倾销对本国经济造成的损害。
I. Why do we have an anti-dumping law? Because a country’s producer or exporter dumps its goods to another country’s market at an abnormally lower price than the domestic market or even at a price lower than the cost of production of the goods, Expand its exports. As a result, the producers of the same products in the importing countries have been hit hard, and the interests of the domestic consumers in the importing country have also been seriously damaged. Therefore, in order to protect the domestic economy and the interests of its own producers, importing countries often adopt laws and measures against dumping or anti-dumping laws to limit the “dumping” of such unfair trade practices and their harmful consequences. For example, to impose anti-dumping duties on dumped products imported into other countries at low prices to offset the damage caused by dumping to the domestic economy.