今年夏天,无疑是中国保险业的燃情季节。让中国保险界的决策者和老总们热血沸腾的是越来越近的 WTO。尽管全球最大的25家保险公司全部来自发达国家,尽管其中任何一家拥有的资产规模都远远大于中国整个保险业的资产总量,尽管这些财大气粗的外资保险公司拥有先进的管理经验,而中国保险业人才匮乏,来自体制的因素还制约着保险的发展,但是,几乎所有的人都张开了双臂,要热情拥抱 WTO 的来临。
This summer is undoubtedly the fueling season for China’s insurance industry. To the Chinese insurance policymakers and veterans who are getting closer and closer to the WTO. Although all 25 of the world’s largest insurers come from developed countries, even though each of them has far more assets than the total assets of China’s insurance industry, even though these wealthy foreign insurers have advanced management experience, China Insurance Due to the lack of qualified personnel, institutional factors have also constrained the development of insurance. However, almost all of them have opened their arms to enthusiastically embrace the WTO.