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儒家的目的是实现天下有道,其政治思路是修己治人。但是,修己只是治人的必要条件而非充分条件,治人要有机遇,修己成功并不一定有机会治人。对于这一内在矛盾,儒家以其安身立命之道加以解决。儒家认为,存在两种命,一种是外在命运之命,个人意志能力难以控制,治人所需机遇即属于此;一种是内在德性之命,是个人意志的自由领域,修己即属于此。尽管修己不一定能治人,作为儒者,仍应把修己治人作为自己的事业、命,积极争取治人的机会,遇时积极行道,不遇时仍积极修己,顺命安命。不管遇与不遇,身心均应安立在修己治人的政治理想上。 The purpose of Confucianism is to realize the proper way around the world. Its political thinking is to rule one’s own country. However, self-improvement is a necessary but not sufficient condition for governing a person. To rule a person has the opportunity to succeed in self-cultivation and does not necessarily have a chance to govern people. For this internal contradiction, Confucianism is resolved in its peaceful way. Confucianism believes that there are two kinds of life, one is the life of external destiny, the ability of individual will is difficult to control, and the opportunities needed for governing belong to this. The other is the life of inner virtue, the free will of individual will, That belongs to this. Although self-improvement may not rule people, as a Confucian, it is still necessary to regard self-sacrificing people as their own undertakings and lives and actively seek opportunities to govern people. When they encounter problems, they should actively pursue self-improvement and take their own lives. Regardless of encounter and untouchable situation, both body and mind should be established in the political ideal of self-governing.
摘 要:民主教育已为人们津津乐道,更有独到见解。  關键词:欣赏倾听;自罚示公;和而不同  我们从杜威、苏霍姆林斯基、陶行知等大家的教育理论著作中都可以读到民主教育。民主教育可谓风生水起,我们也有自己的理解。  一、鼓励求异,欣赏倾听  鼓励学生求异、提出不同见解,我们就喜欢听:“老师,您看这样好不好?”“不对吧,老师。”便请学生讲出高见或做法,我们洗耳恭听,乐见欣赏学生如此之点点滴滴,以示关注张
如今的我竟和当年的母亲如出一辙,不知不觉中,我还是变成了自己不喜欢的样子。可是,于母亲,从没有此时此刻,让我对她那份固执的爱如此通透了解。  对于母亲,我是有许多不喜欢的。  6岁。周末,母亲拎着一条活蹦乱跳的鱼回来,然后,油锅刺啦作响,一条鱼结束了短暂的生命。我远远窥看,有些血腥,更厌弃那挥之不去的腥膻味道。  鲜鱼炖熟,母亲盛了米饭,哗啦浇了一勺子鱼汤,小心挑起一块鱼肉,得意地端给我,自己不吃
大人真不该总是以居高临下的态度看待孩子眼中的一切。学无先后,达者为师,试着和孩子们在同一起跑线上走未来的路,家长会更早地赢得他的尊重和欣赏。  女儿写给父母的心靈日记  2000年8月,16岁的叶子作为金陵中学参加AFS国际交流的学生,要去美国读一年书。临出国的前一个月里,叶兆言夫妇总被一种紧张的情绪包裹着,今日想要买些啥,明日又盘算着还得备些什么东西。可女儿呢,整天像个没事人似的,喊她干什么,她