本文报告了核工业西南物理研究院最近研制开发的新一代全方位离子注入及增强沉积工业机。该机直径 90 0 m m,高 10 5 0 m m,立式放置 ,抽气系统由分子泵及机械泵构成并且实现了 PL C控制 ,本底真空小于 4× 10 - 4Pa。气体和金属等离子体可分别由热阴极放和三个高效磁过滤式金属等离子体源产生。真空室顶部预留了法兰口并配有冷却靶台。该机的负高压脉冲幅值为 10~ 80 k V,重复频率为 5 0~ 5 0 0 Hz,脉冲上升沿小于 2 μs,并且可根据需要产生脉冲串。一般地等离子体密度为 10 8~ 10 1 0 cm- 3,膜沉积速率为0 .1~ 0 .5 nm/s。文中亦报道了一些实验结果
This paper reports a new generation of all-directional ion implantation and enhanced deposition industrial machines recently developed by the Southwest Institute of Physics of the nuclear industry. It has a diameter of 90 m and a height of 105 m. It is placed vertically. The extraction system consists of a molecular pump and a mechanical pump, and PL C control is achieved. The background vacuum is less than 4 × 10 -4 Pa. Gas and metal plasmas can be generated by a hot cathode amplifier and three high efficiency magnetic filtered metal plasma sources, respectively. The top of the vacuum chamber is provided with a flange port and a cooling target. The aircraft negative pressure pulse amplitude of 10 ~ 80 k V, repetition frequency of 50 ~ 500 Hz, pulse rising edge is less than 2 μs, and can be generated as needed pulse train. Generally, the plasma density is 10 8 ~ 10 10 cm -3, and the film deposition rate is 0.1 ~ 0.5 nm / s. The article also reported some experimental results