谷精草是常用中药,始载于宋《开宝本草》,列为草部下品。2000年版《中国药典》规定谷精草为谷精草科谷精草属植物谷精草Eviocaulon buergrianum Koern的带花茎的头状花序。具有疏散风热、明目退翳的功效。在对谷精草检验时,发现近年来,北京市场谷精草的药用品种混乱,它直接涉及临床方药的应用与疗效,有必要进行本草研究,以正本清源。
Gu Jingcao is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine. It was first introduced in the Song Dynasty “Kai Bao Materia Medica” and listed as the grass department inferior product. The 2000 edition of the “Chinese Pharmacopoeia” specifies that the ginseng grass is the head with a flowering stem of Eriocaulon buergrianum Koern. It has the effect of evacuating wind and heat and removing eyesight from eyesight. During the inspection of Vallisneria serrata, in recent years, the medicinal variety of Semengrass in the Beijing market has been found to be confusing. It is directly related to the application and curative effect of clinical medicine. It is necessary to carry out herbal research and use original sources of purification.