
来源 :农业展望 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huimiandiadia
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受生猪供应偏紧、饲料原料价格及人工成本上涨等因素影响,2011年上半年生猪价格一路走高,下半年震荡回调,呈“~”型走势。受生猪价格利好影响,猪粮比价上半年以上涨为主,下半年震荡回落后,饲料成本高企致养殖盈利缩减,年底受需求影响猪粮比价回升。猪肉进口大幅增加,出口出现下降。此番猪肉价格上涨的主要原因是供给减少,成本上涨助推价格高涨。受生猪价格及疫病平稳的利好影响,2011年生猪生产保持稳定增长,供给趋紧有所缓解。 Affected by the tight supply of live pigs, feed ingredients prices and labor costs and other factors, hog prices in the first half of 2011 all the way higher, shocks callback in the second half, was “” type trend. Affected by the positive impact of hog prices, hog prices rose mainly in the first half of the year. After the concussion fell in the second half of the year, the high feed costs caused a decrease in the earnings of farmed stocks. The demand-affected hog prices rose at the end of the year. Pork imports increased sharply, exports declined. This time the main reason for pork prices is reduced supply, rising costs boosted prices. Affected by the stable hog prices and stable epidemic diseases, the pig production in 2011 maintained a steady growth and the supply tightened somewhat.