
来源 :城市规划通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdwudipaopao
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制订发展策略及图则发展策略及图则的制订是为土地用途、运输及环境事宜订定一个大纲,作为香港发展的指引。在全港规划最高层面上,《全港发展策略》订定了一个概括的近期至中期和长期的发展策略。次区域发展策略则把这些全港性的目标,作为五个次区域的具体规划目标。在地区层面上,法定图则及部门内部图则引导及管制发展,应付区内各类土地的需求。 Formulation of Development Strategies and Plans Development strategies and plans are drawn up to provide a framework for land use, transport and environmental issues as a guide for Hong Kong’s development. At the highest level of territory-wide planning, the Territorial Development Strategy sets out a general strategy for the development of the immediate to medium-term and long-term. The sub-regional development strategy regards these territorial targets as the specific planning goals of the five sub-regions. At the district level, statutory plans and internal plans of the department guide and control the development of the various types of land in the region.