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在伟大领袖毛主席亲自发动和领导下,一场群众性的批林批孔运动正在全国兴起。孔老二是搞反革命复辟的祖师爷。历史上凡是企图复辟旧制度的反动派,都要抬出孔老二的亡灵,为其反革命阴谋服务。林彪这个资产阶级的野心家、阴谋家、两面派、叛徒、卖国贼,不看书,不看报,不读文件,是个什么学问也没有的大党阀,大军阀。他躲在见不得人的阴暗角落里,疯狂地鼓吹孔孟之道。把它挂在床头,记到日记本上,当作“座右铭”。真正做到了“急用先学,立竿见影”。林彪为什么要拚命鼓吹孔孟之道呢?就是因为孔子要复礼,林彪要复辟。他们是一个坟墓里的二个鬼,都是要开历史倒车,复辟旧制度。孔老二为要复辟西周奴隶制度,抛出了“克己复礼”这个黑纲领,说什么“一日克己复礼,天下归仁焉”,这就是说,一旦这样做了,天下的人就会归顺你的统治,这就是要恢复西周的奴隶社会。林彪在我国无产阶级文化大革命取得了伟大胜利,九大胜利召开之后,在短短的三个月中,就连续四次鼓吹“悠悠万事,唯此为大,克己复礼”。这就充分暴露了他迫不及待地颠复无产阶级专政的狼子野心,把复辟资本主义作为万事中最大的一件事。林彪这个资产阶级的代理人,和中外一切反动派一样,决不甘心于他们的失败,他每日每时都企图在中国搞复辟,妄想夺回地主资本家失去的天堂! Under the leadership and initiative of Chairman Mao, the great leader, a mass movement of criticizing Lin and criticizing Confucius is on the rise nationwide. Second hole is to engage in anti-revolutionary restoration of the ancestors. In history, all reactionaries who attempt to restore the old system must carry the dead of the second eldest and serve their counter-revolutionary conspiracy. Lin Biao, a bourgeois ambassador and conspirator of the bourgeoisie, is a big party warlord and a big warlord who has neither knowledge nor knowledge whatsoever to read, not to read, not to read the paper. He hid in the shady corner of the unforgiving, crazy advocate Confucius and Mencius. Hang it on the headboard, remember the diary, as a “motto.” Truly “urgent use of first school, immediate.” Why did Lin Biao advocate the Confucius and Mencius sincerely? It is because of the reunion of Confucius that Lin Biao is to be restored. They are two ghosts in one tomb. They are all going to reverse history and restore the old system. In order to restore the system of slavery in the Western Zhou Dynasty, the second eldest son of Confucius, has thrown out the black creed of “self-denial” and said that “one day he will restrain himself and give the world all his life.” That is to say, once done, the people in the world Will go to your rule, this is to restore the slave society in Western Zhou Dynasty. Lin Biao won a great victory in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China. After the victory of the 9 major victories, Lin Biao advocated in four consecutive victories “a long time ago everything but a big, self-serving reunion” in just three months. This fully exposed that he could not wait to overthrow the wilderness ambitions of the proletarian dictatorship and regard restoration of capitalism as the biggest thing in all things. Like the Chinese and foreign reactionaries, Lin Biao, the agent of the bourgeoisie, like the Chinese and foreign reactionaries, will never be reconciled to their failure. He attempts every day to make a comeback in China in the hope of regaining the paradise lost by landlords and capitalists!
未来应在进一步完善住房公积金制度的基础上,加大住房公积金制度向中低收入家庭的政策倾斜,同时逐步向政策性住房金融发展 The future should further improve the housing
目的:探讨光谱核型分析技术(spectral karyotyping, SKY)在标记染色体诊断和产前诊断中的应用价值。 方法:选取临床工作中未能确诊的标记染色体病例,按SKY操作常规进行制