1986年 9月 18日凌晨,上海市二轻局机关大楼发生特大火灾。时任上海市市长的江泽民同志亲临火场视察,并在当天上午召开的市信访工作会议上专门就做好消防工作谈了几点意见。时隔 25天,即 10月 13日,在上海市政府召开的消防工作会议上,江泽民同志再一次就消防工作发表了重要讲话,并提出了消防工作“隐患险于明火,防范胜于救灾,责任重于泰山”的著名论断。(图为1987年,时任上海市市委书记的江泽民同志和朱镕基市长视察高化公司炼油厂小梁山火灾事故现场后,向高化公司总经理询问灾情。)中华民族有着同火灾作斗争的丰富经验与光荣传统,消防安全历来是治国安邦的一件大事,是国家繁荣昌盛与人民安居乐业的重要保障。党和政府始终关心和重视新中国消防事业的发展。三代中央领导集体为此倾注了很大精力。毛泽东不仅多次过问过中南海、故宫的防火安全工作,而且亲自签发了加强全国消防安全工作的文件。邓小平同志在设计我国现代化建设的宏伟蓝图时,深情地关怀着消防官兵。江泽民总书记《责任重于泰山》重要讲话的公开发表,标志着我国消防事业进入了一个新的时代。 1996年 5月 1日,是上海消防史上一个值得铭刻的日子。江泽民总书记欣然为上海市防火安全委员会题了三句话?
In the early hours of September 18, 1986, an enormous fire broke out in the building of the Second Light Bureau of Shanghai Municipality. Comrade Jiang Zemin, the mayor of Shanghai at the time, visited the scene of the fire and talked a few days specifically about the work on fire prevention at the city petition meeting held on the morning of the same day. After a lapse of 25 days, that is, on October 13, at the fire prevention work conference held by the Shanghai municipal government, Comrade Jiang Zemin once again delivered an important speech on fire protection work and put forward the fire prevention work “ Responsibility is more important than Taishan ”. (Pictured here in 1987, Comrade Jiang Zemin and Zhu Rongji, then-mayors of Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, inquired the site of the Xiaoliangshan firefighting plant in Gaohua, asking the general manager of Gaohua Company about the disaster.) The Chinese nation has a fight against fire With rich experience and glorious tradition, fire safety has always been a major event that serves the country and the country, and is an important guarantee for the country’s prosperity and live and work in peace with its people. The party and government always care and attach importance to the development of fire protection in new China. Three generations of the central leadership have devoted a lot of energy to this end. Mao Tse-tung not only interviewed Zhongnanhai and the Forbidden City’s fire safety work on many occasions, but also personally issued documents on strengthening the national fire safety work. In the design of the grand blueprint of our country’s modernization drive, Comrade Deng Xiaoping paid great attention to the fire officers and soldiers. General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s “public accountability is over Tarzan Mountain,” an important speech made public, marking the cause of our country’s fire broke into a new era. May 1, 1996 is a memorable day in the history of fire in Shanghai. General Secretary Jiang Zemin gladly asked the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Fire Safety three words?