QN January 4, 2011, the Development Plan of ShandongPeninsula Blue EconomicZone was officially approvedby the central government. This is thefirst development strategy approved inthe first year of the 12th Five-year Planperiod, and also the first regional strategy to focus on ocean economy. It signalsCbina’s engagement in developing a marine economy, rather than focusing solelyon traditional land economy.
In terms of this strategy, Qingdao, asthe leading city of Shandong, has manysingular advantages. It must seize thisgolden opportunity to establish itselfmore quickly as the core region of theBlue Economic Zone and as a marineeconomy-oriented city of world standing.
Opportunity Knocks
Qingdao’s marine economy has greatachievements to its credit. In 2010 thetotal output value of its marine industries reached RMB 140 billion, 5.5 billion and 16 percent higher than in 2009,outpacing other industries in the city.Now Qingdao is constructing key industrial zones like Dongjiakou HarborDistrict, a high-technology zone, and araft of important projects focusing onmarine industry. It has formed a groupof harbor-adjacent industries such aspetrochemicals, shipbuilding and oceanengineering. The Municipal Development and Reform Commission believesthat the Blue Economic Zone project willbring more preferential policies to thecity and greater scope for development.
While pushing its marine development, the city will protect its ecoenvironment and boost the sustainabledevelopment of marine resources. It willconstruct a sewage-pipe network andpollutant interception project to preventrubbish and sewage froin flowing intothe sea, and unify the standards andrequirements for utilizing the littoral. Itwill also establish wetland reserves andenforce an environment control systemand relevant laws and regulations.
By 2015 Qingdao is expected to bethe leading city in marine economy andscience, the core of the Shandong Peninsular Blue Economic Zone, a center forindependent R&D in marine high-endindustries, and a model for marine ecoprotection.
By 2020, it is expected to be a regional base of einerging marine industries,a shipping hub in Northeast Asia, anda center for marine science education,international tourism and leisure andoffshore sports.
How Locals Will Benefit
The new plan will bring more investment opportunities and a large numberof jobs, and improve local income andwelfare too.
According to the Development Planof Shandong Peninsular Blue Economic Zone, there are 29 key projects inQingdao, including the West Coastal Marine New Economic Zone, a new international airport, and a blue-economy bank.These projects will boost regional coordination and the development of marineeconomy and will, of course, bring opportunities and benefits to Qingdao companies and residents.
In terms of this strategy, Qingdao, asthe leading city of Shandong, has manysingular advantages. It must seize thisgolden opportunity to establish itselfmore quickly as the core region of theBlue Economic Zone and as a marineeconomy-oriented city of world standing.
Opportunity Knocks
Qingdao’s marine economy has greatachievements to its credit. In 2010 thetotal output value of its marine industries reached RMB 140 billion, 5.5 billion and 16 percent higher than in 2009,outpacing other industries in the city.Now Qingdao is constructing key industrial zones like Dongjiakou HarborDistrict, a high-technology zone, and araft of important projects focusing onmarine industry. It has formed a groupof harbor-adjacent industries such aspetrochemicals, shipbuilding and oceanengineering. The Municipal Development and Reform Commission believesthat the Blue Economic Zone project willbring more preferential policies to thecity and greater scope for development.
While pushing its marine development, the city will protect its ecoenvironment and boost the sustainabledevelopment of marine resources. It willconstruct a sewage-pipe network andpollutant interception project to preventrubbish and sewage froin flowing intothe sea, and unify the standards andrequirements for utilizing the littoral. Itwill also establish wetland reserves andenforce an environment control systemand relevant laws and regulations.
By 2015 Qingdao is expected to bethe leading city in marine economy andscience, the core of the Shandong Peninsular Blue Economic Zone, a center forindependent R&D in marine high-endindustries, and a model for marine ecoprotection.
By 2020, it is expected to be a regional base of einerging marine industries,a shipping hub in Northeast Asia, anda center for marine science education,international tourism and leisure andoffshore sports.
How Locals Will Benefit
The new plan will bring more investment opportunities and a large numberof jobs, and improve local income andwelfare too.
According to the Development Planof Shandong Peninsular Blue Economic Zone, there are 29 key projects inQingdao, including the West Coastal Marine New Economic Zone, a new international airport, and a blue-economy bank.These projects will boost regional coordination and the development of marineeconomy and will, of course, bring opportunities and benefits to Qingdao companies and residents.