I. General comments Not too long ago, science gained a powerful tool—computers. This was a revolution in applied mathematics to solve important problems in mechanics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, economics, medicine, etc. Since then, it has been used in The number of electronic computers for these problems has been increasing year by year. Various models of electronic computers have been produced in the USSR: БЭСМ-2М, урал-2 and урал-4, Минск1-2, and Раэдан-2 “,” “Сетунъ”, “Цроминь” and so on, they are mainly used in scientific institutions. In the Soviet Union formed a number of specialized computing centers, such as: In the Soviet Academy of Sciences, Institute of Automatic Control of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Moscow University, standard experimental design technology Research institutes, thermoelectric design institutes and many other institutions have such computational centers. Periodical exhibitions on computational techniques are held in the Soviet Union and abroad. There are both new computer displays and computational tools.