
来源 :佳木斯教育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdw_king
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千百年来,中国人以其智慧不断地影响着周边的国家,这段历史可以看做是一部东学西渐史。进入近代之后,欧洲人的积极开拓精神与中国封建统治者的固步自封形成了鲜明的反差,历史也为之倒向,开始进入西学东渐的时期。本文希望以一木而见森林,从印刷术的中西双向传播中得到一些关于发展的启示。 For thousands of years, the Chinese people have constantly influenced the neighboring countries with their wisdom. This history can be regarded as a history of western learning. After entering the modern era, the positive pioneering spirit of the Europeans and the restlessness of the feudal rulers in China are in stark contrast. History has also been reversed and begun to enter the period of east-west learning. In this paper, I hope to find some wood from the woods, printing from the two-way transmission of Chinese and Western get some inspiration about development.